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Buku Kain Permulaan yang baik Untuk si Manja

Sensory development for a child is an ongoing process. Encourage your child’s sense of touch. Bright colored fabric helps to stimulate the visual and touch sensory skills of your child. Durability is a major factor that makes it a popular choice.

Why Colourful?

Bright colours will create a great contrast, making it easier for your child to identify & distinguish. Everything your child sees, hears and touch creates impression that easily absorbed in their memory.

Why removable object?

• Interaction will enable children to remain in focus.
• Your child 's motor skills will be put into practice. These tools will enable hand/eye coordination, marking a    milestone in the child's learning process.
• Development of your child's fine motor skills is developing the most functional use of your child's hands.
• Encourage your child to hold objects and actively participate is part of the learning process. This will be a      fun and learning experience, Children learn through play.

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